La Imitación Si Es Vida, Rachelle Mozman Solano, 2014, single-channel video, 30 sec excerpt from 6:20 minutes.

La imitación Si Es Vida, is an adaptation of both film versions of an Imitation of Life. A dialogue about casting in the original films is at the center of this work. Important to La Imitación Si Es Vida, is that it has been exported to a Latin American audience, along with it’s binary view on race. It is a conversation about the exportation of American ideology through American films. In La imitación Si Es Vida, teen Perla, begins to identify with the aggressor, wishing to mirror Ms. B, rather than her own mother.

Written and Directed, Rachelle Mozman Solano. Directors of Photography: Rachelle Mozman Solano, Victor Mares. Featuring actors: April Simpson, Suzanne Jaehne, Wanda Nobles, Music Composition: Morgan Wiley