Birth of a Psyche, 2024, two channel color video, 16 minutes

Birth of a Psyche examines the role of fantasy versus reality in the origin story of the United States - founded on magical fantastical belief and pursuit of gold. The project probes narratives from Puritan settlers and the Plymouth Patuxet museums portrayal of the first 7 years of the colonists, to current day culture wars.  Intersecting texts, archives, and character portrayals investigate the impact of magical thinking and systems of belief on mind and body; “Birth of a Psyche” addresses systems of belief and fantasy as inherent to our US identity.

Written and directed, Rachelle Mozman Solano, Featuring Gya Watson, Stephen Lyons, John Gerard Healy, Carys Glynn, Donnovan Tolbert, Helena Shim, Keith Hailey Robitaille, Voice Over, David Herman, Choreography, Lily Gold, Editing, Rachelle Mozman Solano, Adrian Briscoe, Camera, Ryan Wang, Rachelle Mozman Solano, Sound, Mathew Leibowitz, Susan Bryant, Production Assistance, Emily McDonald, Keith Hailey Robitaille.